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1) I have a large SVG graphic. I import it. I write my file. When I bring the file up in Chrome or Safari the file has shrunk some 50%.

2) If I fill an object with a gradient in Illustrator and write an SVG file and import it into InDesign, then In5 is writing it out as PNG.

Help, please.

In5 3.8.11, InDesign 18.0, macOS Big Sur 11.7.1, Safari 16.1, Google Chrome 106.0.5249.119
in bugs by (170 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Curtis,

I also replied to your email. I'd be happy to take a look if you could send us your InDesign file or a sample file that recreates the issue and your html5_output folder for us to troubleshoot.
by (29.5k points)