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Hi, I tried to send this via the support form but it kept telling me I was a bot :)

I can't seem to get consistent results with the scrolling frames widget. I've tried every combination of copying, cutting, pasting, grouped items, text boxes, containers, etc but I can't seem to nail down something that works every time. In fact, sometimes working scrolling frames stop working suddenly! If I had any hair, I'd be tearing it out now :)

Can you help me understand how to get to something I can depend on? Take a look at the file on Google Drive and thanks in advance.

BTW I am using v1.1.1. of the script and InDesign 17.4


in bugs by (3.3k points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I might have solved my problem--I updated to In5 3.8.10 and now everything is smooth!

by (3.3k points)
Oh, that's fantastic! Thanks for letting us know.

Sorry about the bot issue. It is helpful if you can send us your content via the contact link. I wasn't able to access your files about due to a permissions issue.