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I would like to know what happens to my files and publications that are in your server after my suscription expires, or if a delete my account, can i take my index and asset files and take them to my private server or company server?

Thank you!
in misc by (180 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

With in5, you can export your InDesign layout to HTML5. The content is exported to your hard drive. Because the exported content is HTML5, it will need to be uploaded to a website. That content, the index.html file and the assets folder, is yours to keep--even after your in5 subscription ends. If you make any changes to your InDesign file and want to re-export, you'll need an active subscription.

There are some materials that Justin has put together to help explain the process of uploading content to the web:
The easiest way to put your content online is to use Tiiny Host. It's simpler and faster than trying to get hosting secured and FTPing content. Once you get logged in, you zip up the content, give the website a name, and drag and drop the zipped file.
Here's the webinar we did with Tiiny Host, if you'd like more information.
by (29.5k points)
Thank you!!!
You're very welcome. :)