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I'm trying to adjust the text size in the article by changing the CSS using the technique described. I've tried changing the "font-size:18px" to other sizes and even ems but nothing seems to affect it. This is after uploading to the server. Is there a way to know if I'm doing this correctly? I'd also like to be able to modify the background color and the drop shadow if possible.

Thanks in advance!
related to an answer for: Use CSS to format Article Mobile
in how_to by (3.3k points)

1 Answer

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Hi Maurice,

The CSS that Justin posted in that thread is what is generated for use with the Mobile Article Explorer by default. In order to see a change, you would need to change the values in that CSS.

Make the change locally and then upload it to your server. Then you should see the change. You might need to clear your cache or you could use a query string while you're testing.

To change the color of the drop shadow, you can use the following CSS:

    box-shadow:0 0 10px 10px #ff0000;

The CSS above changes the drop shadow color to a bright red (so you know that it has changed). You can change the hex value for the color to make the color that you need.

I don't have CSS to change the background color.

Another approach would be to make a pop-up that contains the content formatted how you want.

by (29.9k points)
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Thanks Myra! It suddenly hit me what my mistake was--I was using the Web Content widget to bring in pages, but I made the CSS changes in the enclosing document, not the embedded one. Now I'm seeing the effect of my changes.

Thanks again :)
Great job troubleshooting! I'm glad you're able to see the changes now. :)