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After deleting and creating presets, the function now won't let me save a New preset. It throws the below error. Anyone else having this, and/or have a fix? Thanks.

in misc by (230 points)

1 Answer

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Thank you for sharing a screenshot of the error message. That appears to be an InDesign error as opposed to an in5 error. A similar error with in5 was resolved when removing an ampersand, "&," from the name of a linked file. If your preset name includes an "&," then try removing it.
by (29.5k points)

Alas, Myra, it does not. It is a simple word “eLF”. Do we know where InDesign stores that file or what its name might be? Because then  perhaps I can take a look at it or delete it and let InDesign create a new one? If not any other ideas/thoughts? (FYI, I did try rebooting my Mac; didn’t fix it)


What sort of preset are you creating? Is it for in5? If so, would you describe the steps that you took?

If it's not for in5 but for something else InDesign related, then you might try either Adobe's Support Community or Adobe's Support:

This def is for in5. For the 'Export HTML 5 with in5' menu item. Here are the steps:

  1. Select it from the 'in5' menu
  2. Click 'Presets'
  3. Click '[Last Document Export]'
  4. Click 'New...'
  5. Enter 'eLF'
  6. Weep. (see image below)
I had used this several days ago and created 3 or 4 presets. Then it just stopped working.

Thank you for confirming it's for in5 as there are various other types of presets that you can create in InDesign.

And thank you for sending your steps. 

I had a total of 8 presets and just added one with the same name that you're using, and I was able to create the preset without error.

There are some recommendations that you could try:

BTW, I just noticed your step #6. I am sorry--it did make chuckle, though. :)
Yes, a little levity in the face of adversity. That's my m.o.

Let me try a few of these things and will report back. Thanks!
Sounds good. :)

Well, that hurt. But it's fixed. smiley

I tried/verified all the above except the Cloud Cleaner. At that point, I had a thought and ran with it...and that is what got me there. I can't say for sure if it was the document itself or something about the underlying Presets file(s), but, should anyone have this issue, and have no luck after trying some/all of the above steps, here is what I did to fix it:

  1. I created a new ID document, same Document setup specs as the one I was working on.
  2. I copied and pasted each page's content from the working document into the new document. (Naturally, there were some missing links and other anomalies, but I wasn't looking to create a fully functioning new version of the working document because I was focusing on the Presets function.)
  3. I saved the new document and closed the working document.
  4. In the new document, I opened the 'Export HTML 5 with in5' menu item.
  5. I set all of the same preferences I had used in the working document
  6. I clicked  'Presets...'
  7. Clicked 'New...'
  8. Entered 'eLF' and 'Save Preset'
  9. Joy. It took.

As I alluded, I'm not sure what actually caused this but the above, for me, resolved it.

Great job getting it to work! :)

Moving pages to a new document was a great idea. It sounds like maybe the file was corrupt. 

I should have added another recommendation that we frequently make which is to save the file as an IDML file and back