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Is there anyway to create a URL that links to a specific page (using the #p=01) and then turns on a specific multi-state ? We've got a single page with multiple products that we'd like a QR to link to each individually.
in how_to by (220 points)

1 Answer

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To link to a page within a flipbook, use the following syntax after the URL:

Ways to access a specific object state in a multi-state object (MSO) include:
  • Set the first state of the MSO to the state you want to be viewed upon going to the page
  • Add a button on the same page as the MSO that has a Go To State action (the button could be less conspicuous as an invisible button, a shape with no fill and no stroke)
  • Add a video or audio file that is set in the in5 Video widget or in5 Audio widget, respectively, to Auto Play and add an End Action set to Go to State for a specified MSO. (The video could be tiny with no audio or the audio file could actually contain a short duration of silence.)
If you're trying to set up a conditional action, it might be better to set up multiple pages with the content showing how you'd like and have multiple buttons set go to separate URLs.
by (29.5k points)